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We at Planet Earth Inc. are pleased and excited to introduce you to our Personal Cyber Center™ and our Cyber Portal™, two breakthrough innovations that together will soon change the face of technology.

By simply installing our Universal Operating System™ in almost any typical PC, you will easily convert the PC into your very own Personal Cyber Center.  And, through use of the same Universal Operating System, you can also convert almost any typical Smart phone, laptop, or tablet into a Cyber Portal.

Your Personal Cyber Center uses 100% Accurate Remote Cyber Identification™ to provide you with never-before-attained high levels of cyber security and privacy.  In addition, your Personal Cyber Center, through use of its 100% Accurate Remote Cyber Identification process, provides you with absolute security and privacy for all of your own personal and private cyber-based information, activities, and resources. 

Maximum attainable levels of computing mobility, communications utility, and cyber mobility are achieved when you use any Cyber Portal to securely and privately interact with your own remotely located Personal Cyber Center.

Each and every communication, computing, and cyber service and resource you wish to use will be tightly and seamlessly integrated into the operations of your own Personal Cyber Center.

  • Your Personal Cyber Center provides for all of your computing needs including your use of computing programs and applications.
  • Your Personal Cyber Center provides for all of your cyber communication needs including cyber phone, cyber video phone, cyber mail, cyber text messaging, and cyber interactions with others.
  • Your Personal Cyber Center provides for all of your cyber entertainment needs including cyber-delivered fully-interactive television, movies, games, books, magazines, newspapers, music, etc.
  • Your Personal Cyber Center provides you with easy access to vast cyber-based educational resources.
  • Your Personal Cyber Center provides you with safe, secure, and private access to cyber-based health care resources including 24/7 use of personal health monitoring devices, health care informational resources, health care educational resources, and telemedicine resources.
  • Your Personal Cyber Center provides you with safe, secure, and private cyber-based interaction with your own technologically-interconnected devices such as vehicles, video cameras, door locks, home system automation devices, cyber phones, health care monitoring devices, etc. 

You have now been introduced to an unparalleled environment of cyber security, privacy, interoperability and function that, until today, everyone thought would be impossible.

Together, Planet Earth's Personal Cyber Center and Cyber Portal make the seemingly impossible not only possible, but inevitable.

Welcome to the future!